
The Witzels of Netra - Wabern

Johannes Witzell Family Map


long Witzel/Witzell family history can be traced out of Wabern, Uttershausen and Netra in Hesse. These towns are located closely to Vacha.

The first reocrded member of this Netra-Wabern family is Hans Witzel born in 1596. He settlement in Netra sometime before 1639. His place of birth is unknown. His son Henrich is also of Netra.

Netra-Wabern Map

By 1692, the great-great grandchildren of Hans Witzel are born in Vacha, with Johan Casper Witzel, son of Johann Andreas Witzel. But by 1752, Johan Casper Witzel moves to Wabern to establish a long Witzel line here.

The history of this line is the work of Karl Heinz Witzel. He is the author of a booklet entitled Die Witzels von Wabern. He is also the author of Ortsfamilienbuch Wabern, a modern compilation of the records of old church books and other documents in Wabern.


Johannes Witzell Family Map

Witzel, Karl-Heinz. Die Witzels von Wabern. 1995.

Witzel, Karl-Heinz. Ortsfamilienbuch Wabern. Retrieved on August 1, 2008: ;

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